Weber Shuvo
Public | 03-Jul-2023

The components of a URL

Do you know all the components of a URL? Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a term familiar to most people, as it is used to locate resources on the internet. When you type a URL into a web browser's address bar, you are accessing a resource, not just a webpage. URLs comprise several components: ● The protocol or scheme, such as http, https, and ftp. ● The domain name and port, separated by a period (.) ● The path to the resource, separated by a slash (/) ● The parameters, which start with a question mark (?) and consist of key-value pairs, such as a=b&c=d. ● The fragment or anchor, indicated by a pound sign (#), which is used to bookmark a specific section of the resource. It's the components of a URL.
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